Tuesday, August 13, 2024


We tend to blame everyone and everything we can for why we are not happy. But the truth is, happiness is a choice that YOU—yes, you—decide.

You make the final decision on just about everything in your life. I often talk about how, if we all loved ourselves a little more each day and thought more carefully before making our choices, we could avoid much of the heartache and pain we experience. By loving ourselves more each day, we gain a sense of self-worth and recognize that we deserve more than we often give ourselves credit for.

We all secretly wish our lives were just like “ole what’s-his-face.” They seem to have it all together in terms of looks, career, car, money, spouse, etc. We have it fixed in our heads that if we were just like them, we would have pure happiness and no worries. But this is the biggest lie we continue to tell ourselves. It’s akin to believing the grass is always greener on the other side. I promise you, after you get the water bill for that "greener" grass, you'll be begging to come back to your "yellow" grass.

Unfortunately, life can deal us a hand of crappy cards, and we often let that define who we are instead of letting it make us better. We rob ourselves of our greatness and happiness by masking the memory of these crappy cards with some form of vice or band-aid, which leads to a rollercoaster of self-destruction.

We take for granted the blessings and the simple things in our lives by choosing not to be happy. Choose to make the changes in your life that are robbing you of waking up happy each day. This starts with healing yourself from within instead of covering it up with a “band-aid” or self-medicating. When you start this process, you will see that being YOU isn’t so bad and that YOU deserve so much more than what you have been giving yourself.

We were all divinely chosen for our uniqueness—specially made and designed to be one of a kind and destined for greatness from the start—and no one can take that from you but yourself. Start today by saying...

“Today, I choose to be happy and see what I have rather than what I don’t. I choose to not let what life has dealt me define me but rather let it make me better. I choose to put the steps in place that I need to begin healing myself and removing the negative in my life. Today, I choose to put myself first and work every day at being better than I was yesterday, and today I choose to be happy even on what I call my ‘worst’ day because TODAY I EMBRACE the fact that being me isn’t so bad. TODAY I choose happiness!”


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